Source code for chut

from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import os
import re
import sys
import stat
import zlib
import time
import types
import base64
import shutil
import pathlib
import inspect
import logging
import functools
import posixpath
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import PIPE
from subprocess import STDOUT
from copy import deepcopy
from ConfigObject import ConfigObject
from contextlib import contextmanager

    from fabric import api as fabric
except ImportError:
    HAS_FABRIC = False
else:  # pragma: no cover
    if 'nosetests' in sys.argv[0]:
        HAS_FABRIC = False
        HAS_FABRIC = True

__all__ = [
    'logopts', 'info', 'debug', 'error', 'exc',  # logging
    'console_script', 'requires', 'sh', 'pipe', 'env', 'ini', 'stdin', 'test',
    'ls', 'cat', 'grep', 'find', 'cut', 'tr', 'head', 'tail', 'sed', 'awk',
    'nc', 'ping', 'nmap', 'hostname', 'host', 'rsync', 'wget', 'curl',
    'cd', 'which', 'mktemp', 'echo', 'wc',
    'tar', 'gzip', 'gunzip', 'zip', 'unzip',
    'vlc', 'ffmpeg', 'convert',
    'virtualenv', 'pip',
    'git', 'hg', 'svn',
    'ssh', 'sudo',
    'path', 'pwd',  # path is posixpath, pwd return os.getcwd()
    'escape', 'e',  # e is escape()

__not_piped__ = ['chmod', 'cp', 'scp', 'mkdir', 'mv', 'rm', 'rmdir', 'touch']

__all__ += __not_piped__

log = logging.getLogger('chut')

aliases = dict(

class Log(object):

    initialized = False
    loggers = {}

    def __call__(self, args={'--quiet': False, '--verbose': False},
                 fmt=None, name=None, stream=sys.stderr):

        if not name:
            name = posixpath.basename(sys.argv[0])

        if name in self.loggers:
            return self.loggers[name]

        log = logging.getLogger(name)

        if not log.handlers:
            if fmt == 'brief':
                fmt = '[%(levelname)-4s] %(message)s'
            elif fmt == 'msg':
                fmt = '%(message)s'
                fmt = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-6s %(name)s %(message)s'
            logging.basicConfig(stream=stream, format=fmt)

        if not log.level:  # pragma: no cover
            if args.get('--quiet'):
                level = logging.ERROR
            elif args.get('--debug'):
                level = logging.DEBUG
                level = logging.INFO

        self.loggers[name] = log
        return log

    def log(self, name):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            log = self()
            return getattr(log, str(name))(*args, **kwargs)
        wrapper.__name__ = str(name)
        return wrapper

def check_sudo():
    sudo = aliases.get('sudo')
    if not os.path.isfile(sudo):
        raise OSError('sudo is not installed')
    args = [sudo, '-s', 'whoami']
    kwargs = dict(stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
    log.debug('Popen(%r, **%r)', args, kwargs)
    whoami = Popen(args, env=env, **kwargs)
    whoami =
    if whoami != b'root':
        raise OSError('Not able to run sudo.')

def escape(value):
    chars = "|!`'[]() "
    esc = '\\'
    if isinstance(value, bytes):
        chars = chars.encode('ascii')
        esc = esc.encode('ascii')
    for c in chars:
        value = value.replace(c, esc + c)
    return value

[docs]def ini(filename, **defaults): """Load a .ini file in a ConfigObject. Dont raise if the file does not exist""" filename = sh.path(filename) defaults.update(home=sh.path('~')) return ConfigObject(filename=filename, defaults=defaults)
[docs]class Environ(dict): """Manage os.environ""" def __getattr__(self, attr): value = self.get(attr.upper(), None) if attr.lower() in ('path',): return value.split(os.pathsep) return value def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = os.pathsep.join(value) self[attr.upper()] = value def __delattr__(self, attr): attr = attr.upper() if attr in self: del self[attr]
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): environ = self.__class__(self) environ(**kwargs) return environ
def __call__(self, **kwargs): return ChangeEnviron(self, **kwargs)
class ChangeEnviron: """Change the environment and keep a track of the previous one in order to restore it. This is meant to be used in a with statement.""" def __init__(self, env, **kwargs): self._prevenv = Environ(env) self._env = env for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is None: delattr(self._env, k) else: setattr(self._env, k, v) def __enter__(self): return self._env def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # restore the previous values... self._env.update(self._prevenv) # and suppress the added keys for k in set(self._env.keys()) - set(self._prevenv): del self._env[k] class Path(object): def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(posixpath, attr) def lib(self, *args): return self(*args, obj=True) @classmethod def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if args: value = posixpath.expandvars( posixpath.expanduser( posixpath.join(*args))) else: value = str() if value and 'obj' in kwargs or 'object' in kwargs: value = pathlib.Path(value) return value
[docs]class Pipe(object): """A pipe object. Represent a set of one or more commands.""" _chut = None _pipe = True _cmd_args = [] _sys_stdout = sys.stdout _sys_stderr = sys.stderr def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._done = False self._stdout = None self._stderr = None self.args = list(args) self.previous = None self.processes = [] encoding = kwargs.get('encoding') if not encoding: encoding = getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding', None) or 'utf8' self.encoding = encoding self.kwargs = kwargs if 'sh' in kwargs: kwargs['shell'] = kwargs.pop('sh') if kwargs.get('stderr') == 1: kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT if 'combine_stderr' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('combine_stderr') kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT if 'pipe' in kwargs: if not kwargs.pop('pipe'): self._call_pipe() elif not self._pipe: self._call_pipe() def _call_pipe(self): self._done = True ret = self.__call__() if ret.failed: print(ret.stderr, file=sys.stderr) @property def returncodes(self): """A list of return codes of all processes launched by the pipe""" for p in self.processes: p.wait() codes = [p.poll() for p in self.processes] if set(codes) == set([0]): return [] return codes @property def failed(self): """True if one or more process failed""" output = self.__call__() return output.failed @property def succeeded(self): """True if all processes succeeded""" output = self.__call__() if output.succeeded: return output or True return False @property def stderr(self): """combined stderr of all processes""" if self._stderr is None: stderr = [ for p in self.processes if p.stderr] output = b'\n'.join(stderr).strip() if not isinstance(output, str): output = output.decode(self.encoding, 'ignore') self._stderr = output return self._stderr @property def commands(self): cmds = [self] previous = self.previous while previous is not None: cmds.insert(0, previous) previous = previous.previous return cmds def command_line(self, shell=False): args = [] if self._cmd_args: args.extend(self._cmd_args) if 'sudo' in args: args[0:1] = [aliases.get('sudo')] binary = self._binary if self._cmd_args[:1] == ['ssh']: cmd = '%s %s' % (binary, ' '.join(self.args)) cmd = cmd.strip() if shell and any(i in cmd for i in '\'"*<>|& '): cmd = repr(str(cmd)) args.append(cmd) else: import shlex args.extend(binary.split()) for a in self.args: if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): args.extend(a) elif shell: args.append(a) else: args.extend(shlex.split(str(a))) args = [a for a in args if a] if shell: return ' '.join(args) return args @property def commands_line(self): cmds = [] for cmd in self.commands: if isinstance(cmd, Stdin): s = 'stdin' elif isinstance(cmd, PyPipe): s = '%s()' % cmd.__class__.__name__ elif cmd.kwargs.get("shell"): s = cmd.command_line(shell=True) else: args = [] for arg in cmd.command_line(): if any(i in arg for i in '\'"*<>|& '): args.append(repr(str(arg))) else: args.append(arg) s = " ".join(args) cmds.append(s.strip()) return str(' | '.join(cmds))
[docs] def bg(self): """Run processes in background. Return the last piped Popen object""" p = None self.processes = [] self._stderr = None stdin = sys.stdin cmds = self.commands if [c for c in cmds if c._cmd_args[:1] == ['sudo']]: check_sudo() for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd, Stdin): stdin = cmd.iter_stdout elif isinstance(cmd, PyPipe): cmd.stdin = p.stdout stdin = cmd.iter_stdout p = cmd else: args = cmd.command_line(cmd.kwargs.get('shell', False)) kwargs = dict( stdin=stdin, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE ) kwargs.update(cmd.kwargs) env_ = kwargs.pop('env', env) log.debug('Popen(%r, **%r)', args, kwargs) kwargs['env'] = env_ try: p = Popen(args, **kwargs) except OSError: self._raise() self.processes.append(p) stdin = p.stdout return p
def execv(self): cmd = self.command_line() binary = sh.which(cmd.pop(0)) if binary: binary = str(binary) os.execve(binary, [binary] + cmd, env) else: raise OSError(binary) @property def stdout(self): """standard output of the pipe. A file descriptor or an iteraror""" p = if isinstance(p, PyPipe): return p.iter_stdout else: return p.stdout
[docs] @classmethod def map(cls, args, pool_size=None, stop_on_failure=False, **kwargs): """Run a batch of the same command and manage a pool of processes for you""" kw = dict( stdin=sys.stdin, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE ) kw.update(kwargs) if pool_size is None: import multiprocessing pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count() results = [None] * len(args) processes = [] index = 0 out_index = 0 while args or processes: if args and len(processes) < pool_size: a = args.pop(0) if not isinstance(a, list): a = [a] cmd = cls(*a) a = cmd.command_line(cmd.kwargs.get('shell', False)) processes.append((index, cmd, Popen(a, **kw))) index += 1 for i, cmd, p in processes: result = p.poll() if result is not None: output = Stdout( output.stderr = output.returncodes = [result] output.failed = bool(result) output.succeeded = not output.failed results[i] = output processes.remove((i, cmd, p)) if out_index == i: out_index += 1 yield results[i] if result > 0 and stop_on_failure: args = None for index, cmd, p in processes: if p.poll() is None: # pragma: no cover p.kill() cmd._raise(output=output) time.sleep(.1) if out_index < len(results): # pragma: no cover yield results[out_index] out_index += 1
def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, slice): raise KeyError('You can only use slices') cmds = self.commands cmds = [deepcopy(cmd) for cmd in cmds[item]] return self._order(cmds)[-1] def __getslice__(self, start, stop): cmds = self.commands cmds = [deepcopy(cmd) for cmd in cmds[start:stop]] return self._order(cmds)[-1] def __iter__(self): eol = '\n' for line in self.stdout: yield self._decode(line).rstrip(eol) if self.failed: self._raise(output=self._get_stdout('')) def __call__(self, **kwargs): if self._done and self._stdout is not None: return self._stdout for cmd in self.commands: if kwargs.get('shell'): cmd.kwargs['shell'] = True if kwargs.get('combine_stderr'): cmd.kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT if kwargs.get('stderr'): cmd.kwargs['stderr'] = STDOUT stdout = self.stdout if stdout is not None: if hasattr(stdout, 'read'): output = else: # pragma: no cover output = b''.join(list(stdout)).rstrip() output = self._decode(output) else: output = '' output = self._get_stdout(output) if self._done: self._stdout = output return output def __str__(self): output = self.__call__() if self.failed: self._raise(output=output) return output def __gt__(self, filename): return self._write(filename, 'wb+') def __rshift__(self, filename): return self._write(filename, 'ab+') def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other.commands, property): other = other() if isinstance(self, Stdin): first = other.commands[0] first.previous = self return other cmds = deepcopy(self.commands) + deepcopy(other.commands) cmds = self._order(cmds) other = cmds[-1] return other def __bool__(self): return not self.failed __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __deepcopy__(self, *args): return self.__class__(*self.args, **self.kwargs) def __repr__(self): return repr(self.commands_line) def _order(self, cmds): if cmds: cmds[0].previous = None for i in range(len(cmds) - 1, 0, -1): cmds[i].previous = cmds[i - 1] return cmds def _write_to(self, fd): if not isinstance(self, PyPipe): self.kwargs['stdout'] = fd return self.__call__() else: for line in self.stdout: fd.write(line) return self._get_stdout('') def _write(self, filename, mode): if filename in (0,): with open('/dev/null', 'ab') as fd: output = self._write_to(fd) elif filename in (1, 2): if filename == 2: fd = self._sys_stderr else: fd = self._sys_stdout output = self._write_to(fd) else: with open(filename, mode) as fd: output = self._write_to(fd) if output.failed: self._raise(output=output) return output def _decode(self, output): if not isinstance(output, str): output = output.decode(self.encoding) return output def _get_stdout(self, stdout): if not isinstance(stdout, str): stdout = stdout.encode(self.encoding) output = Stdout(stdout) output.stderr = self.stderr output.returncodes = self.returncodes output.failed = bool(output.returncodes) output.succeeded = not output.failed return output def _raise(self, output=None): if not log.handlers: logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr) if output is not None: if output.stderr: log.error(output.stderr) raise OSError(self.commands_line, output.stderr) raise OSError(self.commands_line)
[docs]class Stdin(Pipe): """Used to inject some data in the pipe""" stderr = '' returncodes = [] def __init__(self, value): super(Stdin, self).__init__() self.value = value self._stdin = None @property def iter_stdout(self): if hasattr(self.value, 'seek'): if hasattr(self.value, 'fileno'): r = self.value else: if hasattr(self.value, 'read'): value = else: if not isinstance(self.value, bytes): value = self.value.encode('ascii') else: value = self.value r, w = os.pipe() fd = os.fdopen(w, 'wb') fd.write(value) fd.close() return r def __deepcopy__(self, *args): return self.__class__(self.value) def _write(self, filename, mode): with open(filename, mode) as fd: if hasattr(self.value, 'seek'): if hasattr(self.value, 'read'): shutil.copyfileobj(self.value, fd) else: fd.write(self.value) return self._get_stdout('')
[docs]class Stdout(str): """A string with extra attributes: - succeeded - failed - stdout - stderr """ @property def stdout(self): return self
class PyPipe(Pipe): @property def iter_stdout(self): return self.func(self.stdin) def __deepcopy__(self, *args): return sh.wraps(self.func) class Base(object): not_piped = [str(c) for c in __not_piped__] def __init__(self, name, *cmd_args): self.__name__ = name self._cmds = {} self._cmd_args = [] if cmd_args: self._cmd_args = [name] + list(cmd_args) def set_debug(self, enable=True): if enable: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not log.handlers: log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) def __getattr__(self, attr): attr = str(attr) if attr not in self._cmds: kw = dict(_chut=self, _binary=str(aliases.get(attr, attr)), _cmd_args=self._cmd_args, _pipe=True) if attr in self.not_piped: kw['_pipe'] = False self._cmds[attr] = type(attr, (Pipe,), kw) return self._cmds[attr] __getitem__ = __getattr__ def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__name__ class Chut(Base): path = Path() def wraps(self, func): return type(func.__name__, (PyPipe,), {'func': staticmethod(func)})() @contextmanager def pipes(self, cmd): try: yield cmd finally: if cmd.returncodes: stderr = cmd.stderr log.error('Error while running %r\n%s', cmd, stderr) raise OSError(stderr) def pipe(self, binary, *args, **kwargs): pipe = getattr(self, str(binary)) return pipe(*args, **kwargs) def cd(self, directory): """Change the current directory""" return ChangeDir(directory) def pwd(self): """return os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())""" return os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) def stdin(self, value): return Stdin(value) def ssh(self, *args): return SSH('ssh', *args) class ChangeDir: """Change to a new directory and keep a track of the previous directory in order to restore it. This is meant to be used in a with statement.""" def __init__(self, dir): self._dir = os.path.realpath(dir) self._prevdir = env.pwd os.chdir(self._dir) env.pwd = self._dir def __enter__(self): return self._dir def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): os.chdir(self._prevdir) env.pwd = self._prevdir class Command(Base): """A command (like test)""" def __getattr__(self, attr): attr = str(attr) if attr not in self._cmds: cmd = self.__name__ kw = dict(_chut=self, _binary='', _cmd_args=[cmd, '-' + attr], _pipe=True) self._cmds[attr] = type(str(cmd), (Pipe,), kw) return self._cmds[attr] class SSH(Base): """A ssh server""" def join(self, *args): p = posixpath.join(*args) host = str(self) quote = '"' if isinstance(p, bytes): host = host.encode('ascii') quote = quote.encode('ascii') return host + quote + escape(p) + quote def cd(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError('cd does not work with ssh') def pwd(self): raise NotImplementedError('pwd does not work with ssh') @property def host(self): return self._cmd_args[-1] def __str__(self): return '%s:' % def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): cmds = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, Pipe): cmds.append(a.commands_line) else: cmds.append(a) srv = getattr(SSH(aliases.get('ssh'), *self._cmd_args[1:]), '') return srv(*cmds, **kwargs) class ModuleWrapper(types.ModuleType): """wrap chut and add extra attributes from classes""" def __init__(self, mod, chut, name): self.__name__ = name for attr in ["__builtins__", "__doc__", "__package__", "__file__"]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(mod, attr, None)) self.__path__ = getattr(mod, '__path__', []) self.__test__ = getattr(mod, '__test__', {}) self.mod = mod self.chut = chut def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == '__wrapped__': raise AttributeError() if attr == '__all__': if self.__name__ == 'chut': return [str(c) for c in __all__] else: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError('You cant import things that does not exist') if getattr(self.mod, attr, None) is not None: return getattr(self.mod, attr) else: return getattr(self.chut, attr) __getitem__ = __getattr__ logopts = Log() info = logopts.log('info') debug = logopts.log('debug') error = logopts.log('error') warn = logopts.log('warn') exc = logopts.log('exception') env = Environ(os.environ.copy()) sh = Chut('sh') sudo = Chut('sudo', '-s') test = Command('test') e = escape def wraps_module(mod): sys.modules['chut'] = ModuleWrapper(mod, sh, 'chut') sys.modules['chut.sudo'] = ModuleWrapper(mod, sudo, 'sudo') ##################### # Script generation # ##################### def requires(*requirements, **kwargs): """Add extra dependencies in a virtualenv""" if '/.tox/' in sys.executable: venv = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.executable)) elif env.virtual_env: # pragma: no cover venv = env.chut_virtualenv = env.virtual_env else: # pragma: no cover venv = os.path.expanduser(kwargs.get('venv', '~/.chut/venv')) if not env.pip_download_cache: # pragma: no cover env.pip_download_cache = os.path.expanduser('~/.chut/cache') sh.mkdir('-p', env.pip_download_cache) bin_dir = os.path.join(venv, 'bin') if bin_dir not in env.path: # pragma: no cover env.path = [bin_dir] + env.path requirements = list(requirements) if 'chut' not in requirements: requirements.insert(0, 'chut') if not test.d(venv): # pragma: no cover import urllib url = '' urllib.urlretrieve(url, '/tmp/') sh[sys.executable]('-S /tmp/', venv) > 1 sh.rm('/tmp/_virtualenv*', shell=True) info('Installing %s...' % ', '.join(requirements)) sh.pip('install -qM', *requirements) > 1 elif env.chut_virtualenv: upgrade = '--upgrade' in sys.argv if (env.chut_upgrade or upgrade): # pragma: no cover installed = '' else: installed = str(sh.pip('freeze')).lower() requirements = [r for r in requirements if r.lower() not in installed] if requirements: # pragma: no cover info('Updating %s...' % ', '.join(requirements)) sh.pip('install -qM --upgrade', *requirements) > 1 executable = os.path.join(bin_dir, 'python') if not env.chut_virtualenv: # pragma: no cover env.chut_virtualenv = venv os.execve(executable, [executable] + sys.argv, env) class console_script(object): """A decorator to take care of sys.argv via docopt""" options = ( ('-q, --quiet', 'Quiet (No output)'), ('--debug', 'Debug mode (More output / pdb on failure)'), ('-v, --version', 'Show version'), ('-h, --help', 'Show this help'), ) def __init__(self, *args, **opts): self._console_script = True self.logopts = opts.pop('logopts', {}) for k in ('fmt', 'stream'): if k in opts: self.logopts[k] = opts.pop(k) self.docopts = opts self.func = self.doc = None self.wraps(args) def version(self): # pragma: no cover version = getattr(sys.modules['__main__'], '__version__', 'unknown') py_version = sys.version.split(' ', 1)[0] args = (self.func.__name__, version, py_version) print('%s %s runing on python %s' % args) def wraps(self, args): if args: self.func = args[0] functools.wraps(self.func)(self) if 'help' not in self.docopts: self.docopts['help'] = True if 'doc' not in self.docopts: doc = getattr(self.func, '__doc__', None) else: doc = self.docopts.pop('doc') if doc is None: doc = 'Usage: %prog' name = self.func.__name__.replace('_', '-') doc = doc.replace('%prog', name).strip() if '%options' in doc: def options(match): ll = match.groups()[-1] if ll is not None: fmt = '{0:<%s}{1}\n' % ll.strip('-s') else: fmt = '{0:<20}{1}\n' opts = '' for opt in self.options: opts += fmt.format(*opt) return opts doc = re.sub('(%options)(-[0-9]+s)*', options, doc) doc = doc.replace('\n ', '\n') self.doc = doc if 'name' not in self.logopts: self.logopts['name'] = name return self def main(self, arguments=None): import docopt ret = isinstance(arguments, list) if ret: self.docopts['argv'] = arguments arguments = docopt.docopt(self.doc, **self.docopts) if arguments.get('--version') is True: # pragma: no cover res = self.version() else: logopts(arguments, **self.logopts) try: res = self.func(arguments) except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover sys.exit(1) except Exception: # pragma: no cover if arguments.get('--debug'): info(('> Entering python debuger. ' 'Use h for help, q to quit.')) import pdb pdb.post_mortem() return 1 else: raise return res if ret else sys.exit(res) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.main(*args, **kwargs) if self.func else self.wraps(args) Chut.console_script = console_script class Generator(object): """generate a script from a @console_script. args may contain some docopts like arguments""" _modules = {} def __init__(self, **args): self.version = args.get('--new-version') or args.get('version') self.devel = args.get('--devel') or args.get('devel') if self.devel: dest = 'bin' else: dest = args.get('--destination') or args.get('destination') dest = os.path.expanduser(dest or 'dist/scripts') sh.mkdir('-p', dest) self.dest = dest args.update(version=repr(str(args.get('--version') or 'unknown')), interpreter=args.get('--interpreter', 'python3')) self.args = args self.mods = self.encode_modules(*args.get('modules', [])) def encode_module(self, mod): if not hasattr(mod, '__file__'): mod = __import__(mod) name = str(mod.__name__) if name not in self._modules: data = inspect.getsource(mod) data = base64.encodestring(zlib.compress(data.encode('utf8'))) code = '_chut_modules.append((%r, %r))\n' % (name, data) self._modules[name] = code return self._modules[name] def encode_modules(self, *modules): try: # check if the script is already chutified _chut_modules = sys.modules['__main__']._chut_modules except AttributeError: # get source from files modules = [ 'six', 'pathlib', 'docopt', 'ConfigObject', sys.modules[__name__] ] + list(modules) modules = ''.join([self.encode_module(m) for m in modules]) else: # pragma: no cover # get source from _chut_modules modules = '' for name, data in _chut_modules: modules += '_chut_modules.append((%r, %r))\n' % (name, data) return modules def generate(self, filename, args=None, **kwargs): if args is None: args = {} args.update(kwargs) dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) mod_name = inspect.getmodulename(filename) os.environ.update(env) console_scripts = list(sh.grep('-A4 -E @.*console_script', filename)) console_scripts = [s for s in console_scripts if s.startswith('def ')] scripts = [] loop = '--loop' in sys.argv or '-l' in sys.argv while not os.path.isfile(filename): # pragma: no cover time.sleep(.1) mtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] if console_scripts and self.version: version = sh.grep('-E ^__version__', filename) if version: version = str(version).split('=')[1].strip('\'" ') if version != self.version: info('bump %s version from %s to %s', posixpath.basename(filename), version, self.version) sh.sed(( '-i \'s/^__version__ =.*/__version__ = "%s"/\'' ) % self.version, filename, shell=True) > 1 for func_name in sorted(set(console_scripts)): name = func_name[4:].split('(')[0] script = os.path.join(self.dest, name.replace('_', '-')) if os.path.isfile(script) and loop: # pragma: no cover smtime = os.stat(script)[stat.ST_MTIME] if mtime <= smtime: continue with open(script, 'w') as fd: fd.write(SCRIPT_HEADER % self.args + self.mods + LOAD_MODULES) if self.devel: fd.write('sys.path.insert(0, "%s")\n' % dirname) fd.write('import %s\n' % mod_name) fd.write('__version__ = getattr(%s, ' % mod_name) fd.write('"__version__", "unknown") + "-dev"\n') fd.write('if __name__ == "__main__":\n') fd.write(' %s.%s()\n' % (mod_name, name)) else: with open(filename) as mod: fd.write('__main__', '__chutified__')) fd.write(( "\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n %s()\n" ) % name) executable = sh.chmod('+x', script) if executable: info(executable.commands_line) scripts.append(script) else: # pragma: no cover error('failed to generate %s' % script) return scripts def __call__(self, location): scripts = [] if os.path.isfile(location): scripts.extend(self.generate(location)) elif os.path.isdir(location): filenames = sh.grep('-lRE --include=*.py @.*console_script', location) | sh.grep('-v site-packages') for filename in sorted(filenames): scripts.extend(self.generate(filename)) return scripts SCRIPT_HEADER = ''' #!/usr/bin/env %(interpreter)s # This script is generated with chut. Do NOT edit this file. # All your changes will be lost at the next generation. version = %(version)s import base64, json, types, zlib, sys, os os.environ['CHUTIFIED'] = '1' PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 _chut_modules = [] '''.lstrip() LOAD_MODULES = ''' for name, code in _chut_modules: if PY3: if isinstance(code, str): code = code.encode('utf-8') code = zlib.decompress(base64.decodebytes(code)) else: name = bytes(name) code = zlib.decompress(base64.decodestring(code)) mod = types.ModuleType(name) globs = dict() if PY3: if isinstance(code, bytes): code = code.decode('utf-8') exec(code, globs) else: exec('exec code in globs') mod.__dict__.update(globs) if name == 'chut': mod.wraps_module(mod) else: sys.modules[name] = mod from chut import env '''.lstrip() ########## # Fabric # ##########
[docs]class Fab(object): dirname = '.chutifab' scripts = [] def _run(self, meth, script, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover if script not in self.scripts: scripts = sorted('.chutifab')) fabric.abort(( 'No such script {0}. Available scripts are:\n\n- {1}' ).format(script, '\n- '.join(scripts))) if HAS_FABRIC: meth = getattr(fabric, meth) with fabric.settings(fabric.hide('stdout', 'running')): res = meth(('test -d ~/{0} || mkdir ~/{0} && chmod 700 ~/{0}; ' 'echo $HOME/{0}').format(self.dirname)) remote = posixpath.join(res, script) fabric.put('.chutifab/' + script, remote, mode=0o700, use_sudo=bool(meth.__name__ == 'sudo')) cmd = '{0} {1}'.format(remote, ' '.join(args)) res = meth(cmd, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def chutifab(self, *args): """Generate chut scripts contained in location""" ll = logging.getLogger(posixpath.basename(sys.argv[0])) level = ll.level ll.setLevel(logging.WARN) if not args: args = ['.'] for location in args: Generator(destination='.chutifab')(location) ll.setLevel(level) self.scripts = sorted('.chutifab')) return self.scripts
[docs] def run(self, script, *args, **kwargs): """Upload a script and run it. ``*args`` are used as command line arguments. ``**kwargs`` are passed to `fabric`'s `run`""" return self._run('run', script, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sudo(self, script, *args, **kwargs): """Upload a script and run it using sudo. ``*args`` are used as command line arguments. ``**kwargs`` are passed to `fabric`'s `sudo`""" return self._run('sudo', script, *args, **kwargs)
fab = Fab() if __name__ != '__main__': mod = sys.modules[__name__] wraps_module(mod)